When i said do something about it, it didn't mean just stop. I know its still there, a lot of people sense it, the words you typed up that night were nothing. It's what you say now that shows. You just took the 'easy' way out and did nothing, well its not that easy is it? its probably the most hardest thing you've ever needed to do. I know its still there. Why are you such a coward? Stand up to him. Don't let him have it all. Turn it into a competition and fight. Fight for the only one you love. or is that all bullshit? cyber love. What happened to all your dreams? if you let them go now they'll never come back. We all know its there, why don't you just make it clear? she can see it too. She knows your spending more time together as 'friends' when she knows its still there. What you wrote, it hurt her. Were you trying to hurt her?
Don't you remember? One day...
Labels: bastard
Why do we worry?
Why do we all play scenes over and over again in our head, till we definitely know we think we know we hate someone?
Why do we always think of things to say, and when its our time to say it, we dont use what we planned?
Why do the littlest things piss us off, when the big things are just forgiven and forgotten?
Why do we drive to the gym to run on a treadmill? LOL
Why do we always ask why?
Labels: why
Vegemite freaks me out, its prolly my most feared food.
Ive heard rumors that bowen isnt gna be at school tmr! :D:D.
The last bit of our history yearly was today, it was kinda easy-ish i just had trouble with answering and getting whats the 'explain' meant. LOL but i reckon ill pass (: Were starting 'aborginies' for our next hist. topic. Its pretty cool (: we did nothing :D well except for brainstorm, we then chatted about inanay and almost sang it.
So weve started to make shirts. Its going pretty okay (: This one is for Svetlana, Snez's sister. LOL i reckon it looks pretty nice (: I would show yu, but no one has taught me how to put it up LOL so i'll just try to describe it really greatly. It's on a singlet, which is like a t-shirt but without the small sleeves that cover your shoulders, on it is a picture of cookie monster from sesame street who's head is just peeking over a giant cookie. Underneath, are the words 'come to the dark side, we have cookies' in a light blueish font. The font looks pretty awesome xD. Behind the picture of the cookie moster is a purple background LOL.
I want a new layout, some one make me one :D.
I'm still deciding whether i should go city on sat and buy stuff or stay home/mums shop and go macarthur square to buy stuff the following saturday =/. I REALLY WANT DEXTER AND ITS NOT GNA STAY 30$ FOR LONG but i cbf wasting my money =./ AHAHAH MOLEFACE! x.D omfg ill jst wait 10 years till theyre like 5 bucks :D.
Get me 2 frogs for my birthday and ill love yu until they die (: :D.
Hi, I'm Jessica, but you can call me

Sista FZ Squeeze
Baby F Blunt Force
FF Money a.k.a. Queen Spin
Lil Shiny Murda Jess J Grip a.k.a. Baron Rage
Jess P Tenacious
Capital Master JZ
JZ Passion
Sista J Jess Mystique
Magic Jammy Gma G
GG Juice
Rappa G Gma Humps a.k.a. Wicked Grip
Gma Jay Diva Soul
Madam F Fodmn Chilli Cherry
Jessie Blunt Chill
Gunshot Jessie J
JF House a.k.a. Capricious Assassin
Lady Jessie A Quickie.
The Blank Theory Rocks! :D
Labels: rap name.
My name is Jessica
Some kids call me a slut
And I’ve a dirty habit for ecstasy e e e e.
I found this song on my comp today, brought make some awesome memories (:.
OMG ONE TREE HILL AND DEXTERS ON SALE AT SANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i have no money :'(, this saddens me soooo marchhhhhhhh. fh, CAN SOMEONE BUY ME IT?! LOL ill talk whoever on a 100$+ shopping spree in the holidays :D I SWEAR TO GOD I WILLL!!!!!!!!!!! omfg :'( WHY AM I SO OBSESSED WITH DVDS AND CDS NOW!? i always used to download them unless i full know theyre gna be good like panics 'pretty. odd.'
i tend to liek everything now ==;
no sanity in fucking australia has oth, season 4 :'(
Boys are a strange species.
I was being such a bitch to bowen in english and in drama LOL, well not really, she kept thinking i was saying things to her reallllllll rudely, but, i onyl did it in english cuz she pissed me off by asking too many times, oh i think someone just said that, did someone just say that? omfg pissed me off LOL, anddddddddddddd i only sed huy really loudly cuz she sed 'put your drama voices on' fucking bitch LOL.
Last night, mitchell told me that the end bit of 'alchemy sounded good at the time' was backmasking and then i thought of the ghost that tried to pull out his soul and i got scared to go into my bathroom :(, but i slept like a baby :D. ROFL i wanna try listening to it (: hope it works! LOL thatd be so kewllllllllllllllllll (:.
Well, if anyone is willing to give up 15 bucks for me, id be every so grateful. (:.
Labels: backmasking, bowen, drugs, dvds.
Everything that is like a minor issue is a FULLY HUGE PROBLEM. We all seem to have real big problems with each other and/or ourselves, and no emotion at all can be expressed until we are in the cyber world.
So thingo is 'heartbroken' and wont like any girl ever again; pshh yeah, he sed that once before and look where that's lead!
Alesana is awesome :).
I swear to god, you dont like him talking to her, but you wont do a thing to stop it. yu wont even tell him on the internet! and even if yu had the guts to, and shell have no guys surrounding her, its not like yull go and make a mfing move anyway so whats the fucking point of fucking hating him F5. it hurts, do something to make it go away.
AHHHHHHHHHH fcuk, heat stroke today ==;. IT WAS ONLY MEANT TO BE 28 DEGREES BUT ENDED UP BEING 35! :'( We also had our science yearly, which i was not aware of, tho i wrote it in the back of my book the day ms majd told us LOL. i feel better now :D i went pools and swam and drowned catrina ^^; :) WELL the test was pretty okay, easy-ish/normal. @ more weeks till school radio? LOL maybe :D moshmosh! xD UMMMMMMM
Cheaching. cheating teachers! LOL catrina and i have deicded to steal ryans idea and use it for our sitcom thing. Its based on how ms revell[WHO BLOODAYE SMOKES OMFG I NEVER FUCKING KNEW LOL] yeah well her bronchi thing, broccoli :D, broke or something and now we have ms bowen and mr cordina who is trying real hard to be a teacher LOL yeah so its about how ms revell left and how we have this evil teacher and her sidekick instead of our beloved ms um.. ms revell!? yeah its real weird LOL phez is gna be like lyanna now LOL. omg i still have to write the proposal ==;.
the presets are cool (:.
Baby girl, turn me on with your electric feel.
Labels: Adolescence, bloodaye mosquito, cheaching, hot..ness.
I'm really obsessed with the song 'you and i both' by jason mraz, its very beautiful :) esp. the live version where yu can hear many girls and some guys singing along :D.Well my school week was pretty shitty-er then normal. i really dont like miss bowen, about everyone hates her, shes such a bloodaye bitch F5. Anywayz, i couldnt change va to drama so now im stuck with it, but it dsnt seem that bad.. as long as i pass :D.OMG a tree fell down in Eblock at my school. i saw it crashing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL well not the whole tree, just one of its biggest branches. The next day it was gone tho.I had a math test and i definately got 1 question wrong, could be more. Missed out PE twice this week which is so gay F5 i wanna excercise :(We created our own sitcom thing for english, our [catrina and me] one is about these 4? friends who are in a band that went mainstream and they spend alot of their time in the sea. The main character thinks she can talk to sea cucmbers and turtles, but she really cant (or can she? (;)I feel like moshing. I want oth season 4 :(. HEROES IS SO GOOD NOW. and bill bit sookie LIKE FINALLY. um i started drums :D and the first lesson was very boring.Well that pretty much sums up my shitty week.There is really nothing to look forward too anymore. Unless you count the day when all the tests finish?! :D so like in 2 whole fucking weeks ==; ah well. I wanna make a new layout, i like this one but i dont like the fat bar and i havent a clue how to change it :( I got a vision that i had to lineart children chasing fireflies, but i wanna make it into dragonflies so itll be more ml-ish (: and any will do, i cbf tho. IM SO LAZY. i havent photoshopped anything in like TWO WEEKS. i need something/one to inspire me. plz give me ideas (: Labels: random, School.
Status, its a big part in our lives; to be successful and to give good impressions, have a good posture and take up as much space as possible, without taking up too much. LOL! Yet again we did 'revision' on status in drama T__T; & out of know where there was a big riot! well not that big, it was broken up, at first i thought people were just acting! Yeah anyways, it was a fight over racism, and there was blood :O and chairs being thrown around and doors being punched, all caused by the one same person.Im 'taking a break' from guitaring, and now im drumming instead. I have Pe lessons again, i never noticed how cool they were until now! LOL ive missed out on so much just for 30 minutes of bludging .Listening to albums on their actual cds sound so much better than listening to the downloaded versions on my computer.I had pancakes for breakfast :D.I SWEAR TO GOD THE NEW SCIENCE TEACHER IS SO BLOODAYE.. STRANGEI still don't know whether i wanna do art next year or drama =/ THERES STILL TIME TO CHANGE, but idk =/ i have equal pros and cons for both :'(Omg, i almost forgot, we have a new english teacher whos gonna replace ms revell while she is away with her unmedical related problems. She [ms bowen, new eng. teach.] thinks were gna have so much fun together! everyone highly doubts that, i swear mr balusek or whatever is better than her! shes so retarded T_______T; snoopy hates her for some reason, i dont really like her that much either. The topic of sitcoms, would be so much fun! but sadly, the student teacher cant teach, hence, shitty topic ==;Anywayzzzzzz, i watched 'Pathology' when i got home. Its a move about this group of pathologist who kill and get away with it, it also stars Milo Ventimiligia who plays Peter Petrelli in Heroes. It isnt shit, but it isnt that great either, kinda cliche yu know? his 'freinds' die he survives, kills the bad guys etc.He really acted like a normal stereotypical pissed off dude, slamming doors when hes supposedly 'calm' and like really movie-like with the 'you just don't get it do you?!' 'WTF?! YU WANNA START' *throws punches. troi oi. trying to impress pfffffffffffffffffft.Labels: Pathology, Riot, School.
I like my new layout (: Danny is sooooooo not pro ROFL joking, he is.
I'm still having trouble with making that thing smaller.. maybe cuz i haven't even tried yet, but help me please.
So, yesterday Dalena, Danny and I went to Macarthur square to look for oth and tai and do research on blackberrys. One Tree Hill was there but it wasnt on sale anymore, and i wasnt gna spend $54.95 on a dvd thingy F5. So we got albums instead; Dalena was so devestated that we couldnt find any of tais old albums and when we found santi she didnt feel like buying it ==; troi oi LOL. So we ended up getting all 3 Jason Mraz's Albums, Cobra Starship's While The City Sleeps We Rule The Streets, Death Cabs Plans, OC Soundtrack, and The Kook's old album.
The blackberrys were all so nice! but so expensive :( it was either $80 plan or $60 and like none of us can afford it :'(. We had to get back soon by then, so we ent to Sanity to waste my card thing and ended up buying 3 atticus shirts, THEYRE ONLY LIKE 10 BUCKS NOW and the one @ Macarthur has more stuff then the one @ parra, well not more, but nicer designs, and they had an atticus bag that looks pretty cool :D im gna buy it when i go back, if i have money $$$$.
We didnt have much time to explore the whole shopping centre so were gna go back and take out time this time :). Macarthur is so much like Gosford, its so deserted! but when yu go into the shopping centre, its packed with not so many asians.
Then i had crab sticks and chips, then headed off to bloodaye pre uni ==;. The new science teacher is so retarded.
OMG last night i had the almost scariest dream ever! I think it had something to do with the ghost trying to take out mitchell soul; i had a dream that i was like sleeping in bed yeah, then i woke up and i couldnt move or anything,and my blanket was over my head and it was really hard to breathe, i almost soffucated, then somehow i used my head to move the blanket off then i was unfrozen. and that like repeated bloodaye 3 times! faaaaaaaaaark.
Labels: Atticus, Dreams, Macarthur Square.
So schools back, and it got off to a pretty shit start. Monday was gay as, except for the first three periods. We had the stupid student teacher for english that cant teach for shit and we had mr belusek? ballsack LOL for art, and we had to do some comprehension bullshit.
On tuesday, things got fun :D even maths! lol xD and i found out that spohia went to metro sexuals concert, LOL LIKE WOT A SHOCK! i couldve went ==; even tho i dont like love them, i wouldve still liked to go! she didnt mosh cuz she didnt like being so close to everyone and she was like right near the front too! and apprently, trace took off his shirt infront of her LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. 'its really dangerous, theres a chance yu can get fingered and perved' ROFLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL xD.
And todayyyyyyyyyy, everything was 'okay', some things really upset me :(. but overall it was pretty fun. Science is awesome :)
Labels: School
I saw a butterfly in my garden 'did you see it at grandmas house or daddys house?' daddys house, the butterfly went inside the rose 'did the butterfly have patterns on its wings?' no 'what colour was it?' orange. It was beautiful, like me 'yeah i bet'. The butterfly went inside the rose 'oh really? then wot happened to the butterfly?' the butterfly came out as a genie.There was a big spider. It was very big. I'm scared of it. 'why?' because its scary and it has many eyes 'how many eyes does it have?' two 'two isnt many, you have two eyes' six. The spider was sad. 'why was it sad?' because im scared of it 'why didnt you talk to it? pat it, like a dog' no, im scared.Labels: insects