ive changed, and i hate myself for that.
LOL, catrina and me were playing it, she won the first time but the second round, i owned her ;] LOL we both got up to nine... I COULDNT HELP BUT EAT THEM WHILE THEY WERE IN MY MOUTH x] LOL
after our pms session, she rode my bike home, i showered and went to go get my bike and rode it home.
i rewatched that one tree hill episode. it wasnt as sad as the first time but it was sort of better? i guess, i realised belle of the boluvard's in it. god it was so sad :(
hey, i want lady gaga's the fame monster. some new tracks :O
okay it's downloading :)
bye <3
thank jesus all tests are over. well, i still have a drama one + documentary + latin performance thing, but those are easy peasy and i dont think theyre really 'tests' by the time were done, our reports would be finalized already so eh.
One Tree Hill was so sad, omg. I cried two tears. It's getting so good, especially with Peyton and Lucas gone, i never thought it would be the same, well its not, but it's becoming great. I love Clay, he's so omg :) and how his wife omg :( Anyway, i really liked this episode, Dan's show thing was pretty awesome aswell and the things he did for Nathan, ngaw touching.
Gossip Girl, JENNY OMFG her attitude :@ AND HER SHOULDERS ROFLLLL fucken so boney. i wonder if she's gna be like the season 2 her, or was it 1? when she interened with Blair's mother. Well whichever season, hope she dosent become like that again, she needs to make up with Eric :(
Heroes is totallye not all over the place anymore woohooo :)
Oh, i saw this cool band in jb's 'MAG' magazine, they're called Little Red and they are pretty cool. theyre sorta like a cross between the beatles and jet with a hip hop-ish feel, pretty good. haha
I made spaghetti today, it was nice said my fammy. Catrina couldve came over and tried it and she wouldve given me her honest opinion, but no, she sat in her corner laughing or something ah well, tomorrow. Hopefully on saturday me and dalz will be able to buy our tix
okay, bye <3
Someone told me once, that she believed we make life hard for ourselves by keeping things bottled up inside. Whether it be due to shame, embarrassment, fear, pride or some other emotion we don't share the things that are on our hearts like we should. We wallow in them and never realize that everyone else feels the same way. Our conflicts, our dreams, and the things that make us who we are should be free to be spoken out loud.

I just watched Glee right, first time, it was pretty good, hahaha.
C2c was fun again. i was just laying on the floor, laughing, you know listening, not working.
Got geo test tmr, but fuck it :) i reckon ill come top 20 anyway so nws mmm......ateeeeeeeeeee
LOL mom .. themmmm >_>;
so yesterday, i woke up at 8:35 and had to rush to school. god i was so hungry LOL. luckily i didnt have to get a late note :) so that didnt ruin my perfect attendance ;] for this year, hahaha......
After school, bonnie, eric, juliana, cassandra, nancy and me went to c2c to 'study' LOL well i did learn things :D juliana help a lot LOL thanks <3, i didnt realise how much i sucked at indices until yesterday. we're going back today, hopefully ill get through more things that i failed which is basically everything T___T;
i wont be able to download my shows till like 6 then :'( ah well LOL dex was good (Y) still havent finished last weeks heroes tho, if i brought my laptop to school, i could totallye watch it! but nah.
okay i need to get ready now, i cant find my pe shirt.
so don't ask me where i'll go, cuz frankly i dont know, and i dont give a shit.
why must we all make sense of what just wont make sense?
for once im just gonna live, im just gonna live.
oh the rush of ideas :')
i am currently working on a new layout which i think, i will scrap LOL but ah well its worth a shot :D
this is yet another temporary template, LOL trying saying that v fast several times ;]
okay im gna watch heroes now, bye <3
i really dont want to know, answers will only fuck things up even more. but without a question, you just answer.
how fucked are we now then?
whos fault is it?
im torn, which way do i go? tans or debbies? LOL
i think catrina might be in a bit of a pickle. no 15 year old ever asks for this much pressure and yet, its on her shoulders. there are so many decisions to be made, for her and everyone else. we all tend to think about our futures a lot, a variety of plans and occupations come up but theres always that little voice in our heads telling us to do what our friends do, or meet other's standards.
are we friends because we share the same intrests? or are do we share because were friends?
wel totallye got our laptops today. i bet mom's jealous ;]
speaking of LOL let me continue, well, catrina, is very smart, but she just dsnt study so she isnt really getting the marks she should. nevertheless, she owns everyone in class work LOL. she is a very fast learner -as wittnessed in music class- and can do anything if she just sticks to it. if she does, shes going to accomplish big things one day. you know, make it big, be richer than Oprah, Australias first female Primeminister, all that. She likes to party! she likes getting smashed and weed. not. LOL i dont think ive ever seen her drunk, maybe we will, together, one day!
yeah so right now, im waiting for her to go one so we cant chat about something that occured just then. while i am waiting, i am doing maths revision and putting songs onto my laptop
okay now, bye :)
i kinda forgot to blog yesterday xD.
haha so like mom, catrina, shes this short little long haired uh ... woman that likes to mentally fuck alex gaskarth, aswellas other men. omfg i have a stomach ache. okay, well, i never knew how hard it would be to do this LOL lets jsut end this with, i love her the most. the end.
I'm trying to find a new layout, i tried making one LOL didnt get anywhere. i think ill try again when exams are done. god, im doing everything when exams are done.
oh so today, i learnt the only exception, playing god and misguided ghosts on guitar. i actually got it WOOOH :D it was so fucking hot today. fuck me dead, i couldve died. mom wanted to go to fairfield as well, when we got there, we didnt even look for her sandals LOL but she shouted me a soft serve and we went into cash converters and looked at the electric guitars :) we had a lesbian moment in the food court. LOL we always seem to look lesbian.
i havent been doing the things i used to do. im trying to but i guess, ive filled up the time with dvds, guitaring and going out. ill trying photoshopping and all that again. one day. haha. OH i havent been looking for new music either omg. ive listened to
brand new eyes on repeat for like a month, and its still great! :D
so i did like a major downloading - spree sorta thing LOL i havent gotten around to listening to it all yet, but since i cbf to sleep LOL ill name all the shit i dled :)
skins sountrack :)
the swellers
third eye blind
v-factory stuff.
OH you know the lady that plays blair in gg? well she has a song with jackie boyz, LOL its alright, not that bad actually LOL ive been listening to that a lot :)
the downtown fiction
october fall
relient k's new one
mayday parades too
uh .. demi lovato :)
florence and the machine
artist vs poet
eric hutchinson
haste the day
the legion of doom
a skylit drive
and versaemerge
LOL some were real old, but i am real bored.
OMG I CANT FUCKING WAIT FOR SOUNDWAVE 01000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH=D=D=D ITS GOING TO BE EPIC as danny would say LOL and it will be! :D i can't wait to see paramore, you me at six, all time low, sunny day real estate, enter shikari, emarosa, a day to remember, escape the fate, the devil wears prada and the almost :D
LOL whoa shit i think this is the longest post ive written this year.
k mums shouting at me now, bye~
omg reading old posts is so fun ROFL. i never really wrote in proper sentences did i? nor did i make any sense. LOL ah well, ill try .. TRY to blog properly now. the ones towards the end of last year and at the beginning on this year were like ha-larious! LOL come i was a whiny little bitch, still am i think x]
i think ill keep blogging, so i have stuff to read when im bored next year and the year after. hopefully i dont change to something else LOL.
i really need a new layout LOL since im gna start giving a shit about this, ill make it nice. i promise.
bro scrambled eggs are disgusting *vomit face. omg i had the most scariest dream :'( i drempt [is that a word?] that i told catrina and i forgot to tell her to keep her mouth shut and no hints and then it was recess @ school and she sed it kinda loudly to me and then everyone froze and stared and then __________ just went off almost crying :'( omfg OMFG wot if she dsnt say it but that still happens omg =/but i guess its not _____ fault, she thought we knew she didnt like him. we just assumed she did and she didnt even notice . OMG im so scared :(. holy fuck i dont want to imagine what our group will turn into :'(.anyways i swear :).
LOL reading old posts always bring back memories, funny ones. anyway over a year later .. our group well i dont think you can even consider it a group anymore so 'donovans turf' has become somewhat unbareable at times, others its like old times with new people.. new times? i fear things a repeating. they slowly are, whats going to happen when so much damage has been inflicted upon us already?
anyway im gna go read more old posts now LOL gnite.
atm all of my most recent blogs are by cynthia, shes still so committed.
Less Than Jake (Y) anyway LOL im gna do the google thing she did cuz im bored...
shall i do fodmn or jessica? LOL both? okay!
DAMMIT YOU DONT KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE NAMED 'JESSICA' HAVE DONE THIS damn, anyway :L screw fodmn, it redirects me to food LOL
Q: Type in "(your name) needs" in the Google search.A: I typed in "
Jessica needs" into google and this is what I got: 1.
Jessica needs fake titties and then she would be perfect 2.
Jessica Needs Coffee (HAHAHAHA
...Q: Type in "(your name) looks like" in Google search.A: This is what the name "Cynthia" looks like in Japanese: "Cynthia" in Japanese characters. Lame. The second result was: Cynthia looks like a ghetto slut.Q: Type in "(your name) says" in Google search.A: MySpace Music profile for
Jessica Says. Download
Jessica Says Lyrical / Pop / music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s,
...Q: Type in "(your name) wants" in Google search.A: 14 Jun 2007
... Actress
Jessica Alba says she is up for a one-night stand—as long as the man leaves the next morning. She told Cosmopolitan magazine "I...
Q: Type in "(your name) does" in Google search.A: Names and Name Meanings question: What
does the name
Jessica mean?
Jessica is Hebrew for he sees.
Jessica is a beautiful name and has also been the most
...Q: Type in "(your name) asks" in Google search.A: Jessica Simpson asks for some respectQ: Type in "(your name) goes" in Google search.A: Jessica Goes Skinny - Sky Showbiz ...Q: Type in "(your name) likes " in Google search.A: this is the third but whateevr. Jessica likes to start her day with a t-bone steak or two at The ... LOL i sure do :)
Q: Type in "(your name) eats " in Google search.A: Video Results ... 'Jessica Eats Live Octopus' & 'Jessica Eats Dog Food For $5' LOL ... im desperatley in need of cash arent i?Q: Type in "(your name) wears " in Google search.A: Videos, jessica wears the unitard part 1 and 2Q: Type in "(your name) was arrested for" in Google Search.A: 30 Apr 2007
... Jessica Sierra made news this weekend for all the wrong reasons, as the former American Idol fourth-season finalist was reportedly
arrested ...
LOL okay that was a bit weird but eh. ive been neglecting my guitar, but im playign with it now :D LOL i need to learn to sing along to give love a try, dammit why is that song so hard? sigh :( well ill try my best :L
okay bye
boys could be so picky. okay i did LOL.
i went parra with tommy today. he didnt like anything at first LOL it 'wasn't him' haha. but in the end i got him to buy a pair of skinnies, he liked stripped cardi's but they didnt have a small. oh well.
OH I GOT 50$ LEE JEANS WOOOOOOOOOOH =D, hopefully they dont face and become my normal jeans now. i shouldve gotten black or grey :(. oh well LOL maybe i can convince my sister to get us both another pair :D
i got my baby guitar back <3, im not playing it LOL. i will :)
yes please LOL okay i promise i wont delete this one :)
So yesterday, dalena, danny, sleina, vince, wendy and me went to the city and shopped. we got cool stuff.. i dont think i should mention it yet LOL maybe in a week or so .. hey this song isnt that bad sounds like miley ahah but its taylor swift hm. LOL ANYWAYYYYYY i got some pretty cool shit and was served by this american accented pretty ladyish girl who was just friendly as a um.. pickle :)
i miss my guitar. SPEAKING OF OMG this band was playing outside market city yday. Theyre called Set Sail i think, they were pertty awesome LOL they called danny up to sing cuz they saw him mouthing the words to this cover they were playing, but like the pussy he is, he didnt go up.
anyway claudias party soon. i have 30 mins to finsh her card and fuck me that sint enough time LOL oh well.
Taylor swift and skins always cheer me up. They remind me that people have bigger problems.
Its no use really.
if it hurts this much,
then it much be love,
and its a lottery,
i can't wait to draw your name.
oh i'm trying to get to you,
but time isn't on my side,
the truths the worst i could do,
and i guess that i have lied.
keeping me awake,
it's been like this now for days,
my heart is out at sea,
my head all over the place,
i'm loosing sence of time,
and everything tastes the same,
i'll be home in a day,
i fear thats a month to late.
that night i slept,
on your side of the bed so,
it was ready when you got home,
we're like noughts and crosses in that
opposites always attract.
you've taken me to the top,
and let me fall back south
you've had me at the top of the pile,
and then had me kissing the ground
we've heard and seen it all,
no ones talked us out,
the problems that have come
haven't yet torn us down.
Am I keeping you awake, if i am then just say,
you can make your own decisions; you can make your own mistakes,
i'll live and let die all the promises you made,
but if you lie another time, it'll be a lie thats to late.
You always have your way,
for now it to soon for you to say,
we will be always always.
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps
I don't know why nobody told you
how to unfold you love
I don't know how someone controlled you
they bought and sold you
I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps
I don't know how you were diverted
you were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
no one alerted you
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at you all
Still my guitar gently weeps