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stay gold forever

being here with you

we were meant to fly

you got me
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and i got you
this layout was hand coded by twelfthnight ( else ) with inspiration from Gold Forever by The Wanted. Gold from colourlovers

Saturday, December 25, 2010 // 3:35 AM

theres approximately 1 hour and 24 minutes left of Christmas in australia, aedt. aedt is that right? LOL anywho, here goes...

dear santa clause,

first off i would like to say thank you for the free elf and reindeer hats from westfields.

seeing as i didnt wake up to a wad of presents under my non existent tree... i have come to the conclusion that you did not visit me on christmas eve, you whore. ive given this a lot of thought and ive come up with one plausible solution and another, which is rather absurd.

#1 you accidentally put me on your naughty list when i cyber bullied that hoe bag, whose name i will not mention, via twitter to give me my 40$ back after 7 months of 'owing me' and it would seem that from an outside perspective, that i was being a bully [haha, cyber bullied ==] when in fact, she was in the wrong! LOL

#2 i dont have a chimney so you couldnt come in =/ but when i was young my sister always used to tell me that you could come through windows!!! :( whats up with that?!

anywho LOL, since you owe me :) i would really love a pair of grey vans, the shoes. so if you could get me those OH and seasons 4-8 of that 70's show, an amplifier, a frog, a mountain bike, a bay blade and eternal happiness that would be great!


jessica fodmn phan-williams

Friday, December 24, 2010 // 4:37 AM

so its chirstmas eve.

i had a lovely dinner with my family

i was supposed to go to the midnight mass ..

but im too tired LOL

and lazzzzzzy

and fat :(


ill just go tomorrow :)

it'll be christmas in 11 minutes :)

so happy early merry ... christmas LOL

'happy christmas' reminds me of the first harry potter movie =/


good night baby deers (L)

Friday, December 17, 2010 // 4:34 AM

i wouldn't be surprised ...

if one day,

i was diagnosed

with skin cancer LOL

even if it was a benign melanoma tumor, i can imagine myself getting skin cancer sometime in the future LOL


Tuesday, December 14, 2010 // 2:35 PM

okay i had the weirdest dream ... LOL

there was a party, similar to the one at nathans beach house in the first season of one tree hill where lucas and peyton almost do it LOL, but only this was on more of a cliff sorta thing, so its raised higher LOL. anywho, i was there with a bunch of people and me and danny went to go look at the sky.. which was pitch black with little dots of colourful lights here and there LOL then i entered the second level of the dream cuz i dont know how i got there [inception hehe xD]

anywho, i was sitting in what felt like a private jet that had just crash landed into the water. i later realised that the water was below the cliff that i was on my first level of my dream LOL. but anyway, it was really nice like the water was shiny and the whole thing looked like a scene from fruits basket LOL [the springs? LOL] yeah so i was next to this guy with really grey hair. he looked like he was having a stroke or something LOL and he wrote something on the table cuz i think the room was bugged LOL told me and danny to kill someone who would be waiting at the base of the cliff, they would kill all of us

yeah so danny and stuff were already outside of the plane, as i got out it turned into an SUV and sank. there was this chick already swimming in the water, she swam over and we chatted. the body floated up LOL and she didnt yell, she was surprised though. danny asked what she was doing there and she said waiting. so danny kicked her in the face LOL and she went under for a bit. we ran for the top of the cliff.

THEN a platform appeared ontop of the water LOL [wtf? @__@] like in a yugioh battle or some kind of anime battle and danny and that chick fought LOL get shit happened and then they both endedf up in the water. she got up once more and i also kicked her in the face. BY THE WAY THIS CRAZY CHICK LOL looked like this

sara or katie from one tree hill, quinn and clays stalker LOL

omfg LOL yeah so she, once again T__T, got out from the water and i kicked her face and she finally FINALLY OMFG LOL stayed under water. i stood there the bodies started floating upwards and since i watch a lot of dexter and ncis, i knew the cops could trace my fingerprints cuz they take a while to wash away even in the water, and them bodies floating on the surface wouldnt do me any good. i remember thinking i should have put stones in the stomach or something :S LOL

so people kept coming and i kept killing them

THENN molica came on her bike and i kicked her in and ran LOOOOOOOL and then mary jumped in to save her, only to realise she couldnt swim. i emerged from .. somewhere LOL wherever i was hiding and then i saved them both and i said, omg people are getting killed we should go. then we went :)

Friday, December 10, 2010 // 1:30 PM

last night was just pure awesome-ness ... haha ... LOL

it was just one unplanned thing after another and that turned into..

and epic evening with the girls xD LOL if only girls started with 'e' ... LOL

despite the girls eating steak immediately beforehand, we all gathered at little star and ate like .. nothing LOL like ice cream and wedges and shit :). we all then headed to cathys house for a water fight cuz it was too hot. cat left on the back of a bike LOL. mary molica and nancy bought these scary masks and we all mucked around with it on the way to cathys.

when we got there the girls started filling up balloons. i hoped in a car with jenny and cathy, who moved the car out of the driveway. she was like a pro driver ... LOL i kinda felt safe LOL [cathy that is] yeah so we started spraying each other with a hose and started playing with the balloons :) we then did some kind of dance battle thing ... LOLOL no eye deer then we just started being idiots :)

we dried off and went inside ... ATE again T__T LOL noodles yum xD then cleaned up, made videos LOL then cathy and linda made us pancakes ... we ate um ... did that grudge thing that is now up on facebook LOL == which was super fun xD

got sun burnt, got carpet burn.

it was so fun :)

i lup dem ;D LOL

gonna do some facial stuff today hehe xD

after i clean my house :(

Thursday, December 9, 2010 // 1:49 PM

you just dont give a shit anymore do you
you wont listen to reason
you wont listen to what i have to say
i know i didnt study
and i know i couldve done better
but ive always gotten fucking B's in english
and you've always been proud many years before.
just cuz i didnt get it this time
guess it means i got shit for the rest as well doesnt it
like 6 A's dont mean a thing
i busted my ass for you mum
:@ LOL

ive improved okay, i have.
sort of, =/ fucking music and drama :'(
i think i should just burn those results :(
fucking people who always tell me they dont want this they dont want that
I need my time too.
i swear next year
im going to try real hard to think of myself only
and i know im gonna fail real hard LOL
fuck man
you dont put any effort into group work, i ended up having to do everything
and omg i wanted to play the other version but no "can you just do single chords"
FUCK YOU OKAY get some one else to play shitty chords for you
danny was right
about everything
lol too bad he doesnt read this
ill tell him later :)
allegro :D
man i miss him.

i know i say this at the beginning of every year, and it gets bare-able later on but
i hate it i hate it i hate it
LOL i should blog this piece of paper i raged on cuz i hate hudson AHAHA and i had crampsz LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

maybe another time,

anywho LOL gonna try to show you that i didnt fully fail shit ==;
i will fib about music and drama hehe :) not like she cares anyway LOL

// 12:43 AM

so i graduated year 10 today
it was so hot.
i got my school certificate results and i am pretty happy :)
i also got my report and im proud of everything but music and drama =/


the boys came over today and we decided to play monoploy
we played for over 1.5 hours and i owned everyone (H) LOL
time flies
i love them :)

Monday, December 6, 2010 // 3:22 AM

your most recent post, cytnhia, made me smile


i especially love the otters holding hands and the bears and the cat with the finger pointed at it hehe xD

our bands,
Sunday, December 5, 2010 // 2:48 AM

has it lost its meaning?

i wear it so often that it has become just a part of every outfit, like a bra or underwear LOL

im going to stop for a while

maybe our promises will return

whatever they were, lol

Friday, December 3, 2010 // 4:49 AM

sorry i havent been blogging, ive been to busy stressing out about not stressing over my homework.... LOL

i hate roll over

okay not really.. i hate most of roll over LOL

yesterday in chemistry i got to blow up hydrogen-filled balloons :D:D it made big 'bang' noises and there was like a floating fireball. IT WAS SO EPIC!! since it was julianas birthday, she made the loudest bang :D weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i fucked up my extension maths test

and i havent done my extension english homework

this is so bad, how am i gonna cope? LOL

i should totez drop out now and become a housewife


im sorry i cant relate
im sorry i cant tell you what you want to hear
im sorry i ask too many questions
im not him,
but i can try
i can try and help
you just need to tell me
im sorry if its hard
but you need to let me all the way in
im sorry i cant make you feel better
but i can try