Holden Claufield is a fucking pretentious dick. Why am I reading this book again ========
It's too bad I have a rule about finishing books I've already started to read ... or reread :( The general plot of the thing better inspire me LOL well, there is no plot but god THIS STUPID STORY MAKES ME MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH :'(
I'm so sorry, I think I'm hormonal ... =/
To mass or not to mass? LOL Well, it is Palm Sunday tomorrow .... which means it'll be pretty crowded ... and you have the whole holding the palm leaves throughout church...
I will go
LOL omg I'll decide tomorrow :(
I guess the exams were pretty overwhelming. I decided to treat myself to an easy day of TV shows and cleaning, but there was that little voice that kept pushing me to do work. Revise and that LOL
Anyway, I'm finishing off Skins. I'm so excited for the 7th series!!! LOL It's going to be about all 3 generations, so I get to see Cookie again :$ hehehehe
Skins is so emotionally draining, I don't know why I continue to watch it LOL
My life is so boring
And I'm starting to miss everyone
Damn you, Catcher :(
I hope I get to go out tonight LOL I'm going crazy sitting in this goddamn chair all day
Today's diab lesson was pretty cool :)
I kind of can;t wait for school :L
I need a white pencil and a foam letter
goodbye... LOl
What an unnecessary title. Please excuse my absence, I've been bombarded with
a proton studying and past papers and staying at the library 'til closing time for the past two weeks.
I think, overall, I did fairly well, although I don't want to jinx it or get my hopes up and all. I think I've forgotten how to blog. For the past week everything I've watched/ all the images I've looked at and all the situations I've been in, well I've been analyzing it to fit into my belonging essay, as a related text. LOL yeah, this continued even after the English exam... which didn't go too badly, I hope
Anyway, I went to Livo today with Snez. We bought Maria her present and had very interesting conversations which revolved around maggots, my hatred for ABC and the handle of the basket she bought. Yes, she bought a basket LOL
OH, I went to the City yesterday with Bobs. We went to westies and I think we both felt really out of place there. For one, we were in our daggy public school uniform and we couldn't afford most things in the stores. This made me so sad :( I wanted so many things but I didn't have enough money LOL so I just decided to not buy anything at all. I can wait to go shopping in the holidays, I need to update my wardrobe. According to him, everyone kept staring disapprovingly at us LOL I guess they thought we were truanting.
I'm starting to freak out about music again.
I also want our results back next week LOL at least one exam, come on LOL I HOPE IT'S A GOOD EXAM TOO!!! :L
I'm starting to make cranes again, the new spindle of paper I bought contains so many ugly colours like orange and skin... LOL I don't mind orange usually, but this is a really ugly orange
OH! ALSO, esterification always prompts a braiding train/line :L

I miss twitter so much LOL :(
hehehehehehehehehehehehe :$
he replied :$:$
only a few more months my love 8))))
You know what really gets to me? Say someone is feeling sad, all down and that and someone comes along, idk a friend, a mentor, your pretentious subconscious and they tell you that you're better off than most people. That your problems aren't that serious, you know, you've got people living in famine, poverty etc so you should idk, stop worrying, stop being sad.
It's just a way of avoiding the problem. Sure, we all probably do have it better than most of the world, but how does that diminish our feelings? how can they say that the sadness that we feel, the problems we experience, they're nothing? Yes, poverty is heart breaking and maybe someone else, our age or what have you is contemplating suicide. But who has the right to say that because those people exist in that situation, that we should set aside our problems, suppress them and ignore them just because of someone else has it worse off.
I mean a problem you have or the sadness you feel, it could be nothing compared to someone else. But it's the most sadness that you've ever felt, or its the most problematic time YOU have ever been in. So why take someone elses situation into a account? If you want to be sad, need to be sad. Then be it
I swear, I wanted to run the car into a tree when Mal said my problems were insignificant
God he is a little horse face cunty bitch
Anyway :) don't ever feel like your problems are insignificant or that you shouldn't search for help because the problems may be small. If something is bothering you, you should talk to me. I may not have much to say but I know I can listen real well.
Don't ever think that your problems don't matter. They do matter. You matter as well! :)
you a stupid hoe
you a you a stupid hoe
whoop whoop
mum says something's gonna fall from the sky in 2040, let's hope its the doctor in his tardis
All back
I know it's over
If you are so sure things won't work out, then why don't you just leave now?
My life feels so empty without facebook and twitter.
I always come up with really clever lines to tweet, only to realise that I can't and that the only way to sort of put em up on the internet would either be posting it on my PM or on my blog
LOL so here I am, that thing I wanted to tweet was the first line of this post btw
Anywho, I haven't blogged properly in a while, apologies. LOl I blame my braces.
I'm not happy with my attitude towards school and studying and such. I'm often tired and I am sleeping really very early now =/ i.e. last night I fell asleep watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and slept for a solid 13 hours until 9 am this morning.
I'm so lazy :( God, what is wrong with me?! :'(
Also, I think I have to rework my study timetable, I have to shift some things around so I have time to study for our midterms ;) LOL
I still want to watch the vow =/
somebody? anybody?! no? :( okay ...
I can eat now so that's a big bonus LOL I love eating
Darn braces, WHY DID I GET YOU NOW?! :'(
I wanna watch mary poppins again LOL