OH and one more thing about my HSC timetable, I have 11 days to study for chem which is my last exam. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. HSC come at me, I'm gonna get a state ranking! LOL okay, I shouldn't get my hopes up LOL :(
wtf LOL they shortened the amount of questions in both 2u and 3u exams for the hsc =/ idk if this is good or bad LOl there are 10 "objective-response" questions LOL are these multiple choice? =/ Anyway, as you can gather, I received my exam time table LOL after my appalling attempt at my music exam today, I realised that I'm still not taking this seriously enough =/ Also, today at the library that creepy guy sat at the table beside me and he kept staring LOL at one point, he said "ill pop ya face you fucking cunt" and he said it in my direction LOL idk if he was directing it at me =/ there were heaps of people behind me LOL hm :L Anyway, I had crab for dinner last night and I'm thinking about changing my template cos re-reading my posts without paragraphing is giving me a head ache LOL good bye :)
Need to spend my 10$ before visa takes it :( I have one day LOL considering buying like a hunger games book or something, but when i was searching those, i came across the trilogy box set .. hard cover... it looks so nice LOL SO I'M GOING TO GET THAT INSTEAD once I get more money... LOL =/ so what to do with my 10$? :L too bad the school doesn't take eftpos LOL
so glad i am making progress with my pieces LOL
I did not know showcase was in week 9. Fuck my fucking life. I have to get a move on. I hate this :(
Cold as a mother fucking hoe :( LOL
There is an aching in my heart. I keep thinking about the last two lines of Mockingjay. It makes me both happy and sad at the same time, and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be. Haha, see what i did there? No? okay :( LOL you guys should read better books 8) LOLOL okay, I must sound like a crazy woman. It was from the Perks. Anyway, now that I think about it ... Charlie from the Perks is a lot like Christopher from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. Gosh, that is a long title LOL anyway, I wasted my day. How was yours? [btw, not a rhetorical question. everyone needs to blog more :(]
Goodbye, Russell. I'll miss you :(
Guys, I lack will power :( I got up till 4 LOL then i gave in .... :( IF I had just waited another 30 mins ... I could've called someone LOL =/ anyway, I missed the 11 oclock thing too :( damn. Anyway, I should spend this day productively LOL ... try to get a few past papers done although I have not touched my homework ... I should do homework =/ fuck, I hate homework :(
It's 3am. I am cold as a mother fucker LOL
I've finished guys...
Now what do I do with my life?
I guess I could stay up another 5 hours and go to the ANZAC day thing down the road. We'll see
Wow, my paragraphing doesn't work =/
I didn't have Subway today .... I feel incomplete LOL
Anyway, first day of school. It was great. I'm still exhausted from Monday though. We went to school on Monday LOL a few of us :) to catch up with teachers and such, but mainly to rehearse our drama performance. After about 3 hours of that, we went back into the drama room, pulled the curtains, turned off the lights and started PARTYING!!!!! LOL we cranked up the music cos all the teachers were in the lecture theatre. Twas heaps fun :)
That lasted about 3 hours, we went to cabra library and OH WAIT NO LOL we went to SUBWAY xD then to the library :) then I went home and went to bed at 8:30, you know trying to prepare myself for school... I don't know what I expected LOL maybe that all the dancing earlier would knock me out immediately, but I stayed up till 12 reading. I'm so close to finishing Mockingjay, but I don't want to because I know I'll be sad =/
Anyway, school today LOl 3 periods. Bobby and I went to woolies after school and bought chicken to make butter chicken. It was reduced, from 8> 5$ I think .... LOL we were being such big cheapos, when we got home and started preping it ..... omfg LOL IT SMELLED LIKE DEATH
I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THE putrid horrific smell of a decomposing chicken corpse LOL
Okay, it wasn't that bad, but we threw it out LOL anyway, after that we went to the lib and Hellen and Huynh joined us. Went to I Yogurt at 5. Pineapple frozen yogurt is the bomb diggity LOL
Apparently there was a fight outside the library toward closing time. Hell and I chose to stay put LOL in the safe confines of the quiet room =/
I couldn't eat dinner. I think my mind has exaggerated the smell of that chicken and that's all I could smell when Mum put the chicken rice in front of me LOL =/
Anzac day tomorrow, I'm contemplating whether or not I should go to the thing at Cabra-vale diggers. I wanna watch the Hunger Games again. Also, I want yum cha. I want a lot of things LOL
Okay, watching the voice for the very first time. Goodbye :O
Hi Cynthia,
I hate Bill too LOL he's an annoying fuck face. Dw, it gets better in the end :) LOL also Eric is hot LOL SOOKIE AND ERIC 4EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
ALSO, omg today right, I was studying at the library and usually, I drown out the silence with my music, but I forgot my earphones in the drama room earlier. Anyhow, I worked in silence, but there was a group of kids who kept talking about Harry Potter and then this one girl SPOILED THE FUCKING ENDING TO MOCKINGJAY FOR ME. Fucking slut. LOL
Well, Bobby already told me what happens at the end ... but I didn't know how LOL then she goes and tells her friends, not even lowering her voice, considering the other people in the room who have no yet finished the book == and told me how :'( or rather told her friends ... LOL FUCK I'M SO BUMMED RIGHT NOW :(
I'm so close to finishing too!!! LOL :(
So yeah, that's how my day went.
How was yours?
I'm listening to the audio of Gatsby and I can't help but laugh at narrators impersonations. LOL, all the women but Daisy sound like Italian guidettes LOL
Anyway, this is jogging my memory :)
I'm reflecting on all the work I've done this holiday and I am not happy :( LOL nws, still have 1 day and a bit left :D
Hola Amigos,
Blog more
I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Where has Amy been the last few eps of big bang? :( I miss hurrr LOL
What a fucking great day :D
Great day with my lover, Bobby
LOL I've realised that a lot of my posts now are like one sentence long. Maybe even one phrase. But I can't help it. I can't help the urge I have to tweet. I miss it.. I don't know why I'm just not using it .. LOL OH, that's right .. HSC. Well, replacing it with blogspot isn't going to help you either, Jess. You need to stop this habit. JUST QUIT IT
okay :( LOL I tend to monologue now... I blame my infrequent interactions with human beings beside my family. LOL
Anyway, finishing off Bobby's goddamn book.
You better love this Bobby, I cut rainbows and ponies real small and stuffed em all in this darn book LOL
I'm really digging this Olly Murs song LOL
Yesterday, when Eric was over, we decided to do some stalking of Matt Smith and Daisy Lowe LOL ... <> Turns out they got back together a month after he broke up with her :) YAY anyway, there were rumours about her liking this Murs character. We wikied him and found out he was runner up to One Direction on X factor LOL
Anyway, that is all besides the point. I really like this song :) It's called um .. Oh my goodness LOL
Okay, I'm just procrastinating now. Back to POM :)
So I finished The Lucky One
It was okay
Now I'm reading Barefoot in the Park, hoping to get it over and done with LOL I think I like it better than Feminine of the Species. I'll probably stage this one for my drama IP. I've been meaning to play with my balsa wood, but I need PVA glue and a stanley knife LOL perhaps I'll buy it tomorrow when I'm chillin' with Bobby. We're going to shop for a shirt and buy me some ceramic ramekins :D
Eric gave me my birthday present today LOL I love it :D It's an electronic monarch inside a glass jar that will live for ever :D
My dad thought it was real cos it fluttered and he told me to release it LOL I laughed a while at this :L
Anywho, I get to read catching fire now
I am so happy LOL :)
okay, good morning ;)
Rather uneventful week.
Lets start from the final week for the term LOL
Well, we threw Maria a surprise Disney Princess birthday party! We had everything, fairy bread, princess-y cups, a 30 by 30 by 30 Barbie Princess Cake (which was uber delish) and of course, lots and lots of coke LOL

Yeah, so school ... LOL Got our exams back. I'm happy and unhappy with my results, but they don't count towards much LOL so I guess it really doesn't matter
Hm, lots of peoples birthdays on the last week. Mine was on the last day of school :) Got a heap of presents LOl So thanks you guys! ALSO OMG I'm so excited for Tuesday LOL I know it's more for Eric and Bobby BUT I'M SO GOSH DAMN EXCITED ABOUT THE WHOLE THING WOOH LOL
Sunday, we had a break from Jim Jamz. Lyanna, Jun and I decided to go for a bike ride LOL only ... We didn't really go ...

WE FOUND THIS! LOL It's a real game boy next to Jun's fake cover LOL anyway,
We stayed in Lyannas room playing with her various cool toys until it started getting late and Jun and me were hungry. So we rode to Killa Burger, then headed back to Snoopys house, where we watched heaps of TV in silence because we were all so god darn tired LOL
Rain clouds started to move in, so we went home. It started raining while I was just about 2 mins from my house, and about 30 seconds after that ... it poured == LOL I didn't mind it though :) I stayed relatively dry because I had my jersey on :) Yep, our jerseys make for good raincoats LOL but besides that, my head, legs and shoes were drenched LOL
The next day was my Holy Basil :D LOL THAI FOOD WOOH LOL Despite the 1 hour wait for our table ==, everything was great and yum and hella expensive! :D

LOL, creep

LOL, we went to the park after to chill
Anywho, that night Dalena and Danny came over and took me out for a milkshake LOL <3 Then we drove everywhere-literally LOL and just caught up :) God, I've missed them
They took me shopping the next day LOL there were no sales which sucked but I got a few things. Anyway, we went back to Fairfield and did a bit of shopping at Salvos and Vinnies LOL They got like a million things there, which was really good :) LOLOL On the way back to the car Danny and I were complaining about the pricey things at Vinnies and Dalena kept calling us cheap =/ LOL
Then I went to Livo and got my braces tightened. It didn't hurt as much as everyone made it out to be LOL (except Collin who says I doesn't hurt because he cannot feel pain because he is a robot)
Oh, I started reading The Lucky One. I'm getting to the good part :D LOL but a part of me really wants to get this done so I can continue with Catching fire. I think I'm repeating myself LOL
ANYWHO, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I spent at home. All day. "Studying" LOL I've managed extensive revision of the Production module in Chem and I finished one ext 1 past paper for maths :D LOl English has been a fail, I have all my notes and stuff in order now. Still looking for a Viva topic. I'm thinking Dubstep LOL I'll title it 'the nu wave of music' or something =/ okay LOL
I haven't been making cranes as often as I'd like, cuz I'm busy too watching movies and stuff LOLOL I wanna take up knitting, you know, become a true Grandma :D
OH I kind of lied guys, I'm so sorry. I went out Wednesday night to start a RIOTTTTT LOL oh paramore :) Anyway, I sat beside a nice little fire that night :) occasionally throwing bits of paper in LOL

Wow, he looks kind of tank here LOL

I started telling Collin about the deadly effects of carbon monoxide and soot. We got very paranoid then LOL making sure we didn't breathe in the smoke. Getting some "fresh air" from a spot 2 steps away from the fire LOL :) Yeah, so we caught up for most of the night. When we were done we started talking about drugs and drinking tea. Then we drank tea. Then I went home. Then I chatted to Kevin about the Hunger Games. Then he told me he couldn't watch it cos of some computer-jargon thingy. Then I was all "whatever hoe, download a new one" Then I went to bed. Then I read a few chapters of The Lucky One. Then I woke up. I rinsed and then I repeated.
OMG ALL THE CRAP THAT I BOUGHT ONLINE CAME THIS WEEK!!!!!! FUCK I WAS SO EXCITED XDXDXD I got my dress, my screen protectors, a few presents, 2 books and my Chem textbook, which came yesterday LOL So I spent all of yesterday studying Chem and UMAT.
I love Chem :D and UMAT's not so bad anymore LOL Although, I do thoroughly despise section 1 LOL THEY MAKE NO SENSE!!! I NEED A WALK THROUGH :(
Anyway, I have Diab twice today. I'm so fucking excited to get a grasp on the Module A crap :D LOL I WILL GET A BAND 6 FOR ENGLISH!
Okay, I don't want to get my hopes up LOL ...
Anyway, I need to go about my daily morning routine now. Blogging is so liberating :) I love telling you guys everything about my day/week and myself :D LOL
I love the Hunger Games score :) LOL
It makes me feel like I'm watching the movie again
Time to learn how to knit! LOL
Wow, so I just woke up from a series of really crazy dreams...
I dreamt that I slept in till noon. BAD LOL I was so ashamed of myself :( anyway, that was the last part of the dream ... at the beginning ... I kind of ... gave birth ... to 4 children LOL ....
They all kind of just slid right out of me =/ 2 boys a girl and finally the last boy LOL
Idk if I was giving them up for adoption or something but after they like, came out of me LOL I exited the room and I joined everyone in the main hall area at camp
hmm.. LOL
I wonder what this means :O
UMAT is starting to give me a headache. All these stupid-ass puzzles and the crazy people who seem to have so many un-empathize-able problems :(
I really need to get out of the habit of imagining myself in their shoes... LOL
I started Catching Fire, and I have no desire to finish it LOL I'll finish The Lucky One first so I can watch Zac Efron and his sexy abs next week ;)
I'm also very excited for my packages to come :D They should be here any day now! LOL
I knew it.
I shouldn't have read the hunger games. I FUCKING KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE!!
Now that I'm done, all I want is so read the next book to see if everything will be fine so my heart will stop aching LOL but I know there's a third book so nothing will ever be fine and dandy until that is over ...
Sigh, reading is really screwing up my study schedule === BUT ITS SO GODDAMN GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I'll go sit in a corner and cry now
Seeing all these posts about the Hunger Games on tumblr really makes me wanna read it .... but alas, I cannot fit it into my study timetable :(
Well the first day of the holidays was somewhat .... productive LOL if you consider doing everything to avoid homework productive LOL
I cleaned, cooked, read and then ... I gave in and just did some peak stuff LOL
I went to bed at 2am last night/this morning and I woke up at 8 with so much energy to burn! then, abut an hour later, I came crashing down like a broken aeroplane and I slept from 9-12 LOL what a waste of a day.
At least I got most of my chores done. Also, I missed church :( and idk if theres one at 8:30 ... im scared to walk outside by myself and check LOL poo :(
I love Gavin Degraw's new album LOL
Anywho, I'm going to finish off skins now and cry.
Good bye :)
Guess what guys! I can now access all your blogs from my phone :P LOLOL just something cool I came over in my pursuit to figure out how the internet works...
LOl I can go on youtube, facebook, twitter and now blogger just fine, but I can't go on google LOL I don't know how to do it :( the stupid phone keeps asking for a username and password or something and I wanna use my own internet :( like the shit virgin gives me LOL god dammit :(
I still can't get over how good the hunger games were LOL xD ... was?
Watching The Hunger Games with my best friends today! :) excited :D
I'm pretty proud of all the gifts I got/ will get for the ridiculous amount of people who have birthdays this month LOL I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR FACES WHEN YOU OPEN EMMMMMM LOL WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH