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stay gold forever

being here with you

we were meant to fly

you got me
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and i got you
this layout was hand coded by twelfthnight ( else ) with inspiration from Gold Forever by The Wanted. Gold from colourlovers

It's Time
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 // 5:24 PM


Yup, Fairy Tales - Jojo LOL

But before that, It's Time by Imagine Dragons played. I felt a pang of nostalgia and just a rush of sadness. I get really sad when I get nostalgic btw. LOL. I just reminded me so much of the time Danny, Dalz and I went to watch the movie in 2012. And that just reminded me of all the emotions I felt last night watching The Fault in Our Stars. I'm not going to spoil anything but, damn I cried. I did not expect to in all honesty. There's just something about me that just doesn't like beautiful things when they become so big and publicized for the wrong things. Like, take Fault for example. It's an excellent book. But because it's been over hyped as this epic love story over the last 3 or so years, I've forgotten how good it actually was. They've advertised it the wrong way I reckon. I'm not going to deny it is a massive love story, but ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT FUCK. Like, for two hours, you actually get a glimpse at what life is actually like for someone like Hazel. You really notice how people treat you differently because you're sick and how you can't let that take over your life because you need to grow up and be a certain way for the people you love like IT'S THAT MATURE LIKE I can't even right now because all this time at work I've been telling my customers that it's just a big love story, and I'm not into shit like that, ergo it wasn't good for me. NO. I can't believe that I forgot about everything else. It's just beautiful. This sort of ties in with how they turned The Hunger Games into a love thing too - like no, stop. Well, obviously from now on if someone asks me to review Fault, I'm not going to say it's an epic love story blah blah blah, it's actually good despite that. 

Anyway, LOL I wasn't expecting to write so emotionally about it. Hellen, Collin and I went to the drive in cinema last night to watch it. (N.B. Never go with 3 people unless you can flip open your hatch back boot :) But we made it work! LOL angled the car and all. Hellen was like "We're going to watch Fault?! Okay, I'm going to bring a box of tissues" and Collin and I were like "Pfft, pussy licker" (loljk) and in the end, it was Collin and myself needing the tissues LOL Y'all should watch it. Look past the love story and see how they act for each other. 

So, It's time LOL. Another one of those books that I've had to deny in the face of God because it had that stigma. That air about it that was just like 'this book is just another sappy teen novel' like NO as well LOL Danny, Dalena and I spent most if not all of our high school lives telling all our friends about it and they all loved it. It was definitely eye opening reading it at 13. Again, look past Charlie's undying love for Emma Watson and you have a raw story about the realities of high school. It's all about friendship and finding yourself and I think it's amazing. It really shaped our friendship LOL (infinite tattoos)

I had a blast yesterday. Marking the end of the (real) exams, I basically went out all fucking day doing whatevz LOL Wilson and I headed to school first to grab my violin, which is apparently missing now LOL and we chilled with Morvillo and Georgiou which was good fun. Afterwards, I went home and just marathoned house until about 2:30 and studied until 3. Collin and I went shopping and found 2 wind breakers/jackets each. They were so cheap and almost basic that they can transcend time and be worn by our children :) We headed to the Anchor to test out the wind breakers and what do you know! Wind didn't even phase me! except for my face and ankles which were exposed. Then we met up with Huynh, Eeh and Maria for dinner at Hux's (again). 50% off all meals until Monday guys! Which is quite significant because their meals are like 50-90$ and shareable between 2-4 people. 

We then picked Hellen up and watched the movie. 

It was a grand day. A nice break from the last 15 days of back to back studying. I did good, I think. I've studied harder than I ever have before and (so much! according to several people) and it really paid off. Like, usually when I go into exams there would always be a question or two I knew absolutely nothing about and a couple which I knew one or two things about but were worth like 5-10 marks. This time around I can safely say that I knew everything, in detail, and my attempt will actually score me a mark that can actually help me get into med LOL. It was kind of frustrating though. You learn all these concepts and only a handful of them are tested and you're sitting there like BUT I ALSO KNOW ABOUT THIS CONCEPT AND THIS ONE WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK ME SOMETHING ABOUT IT COS I SPENT SO LONG TRYING TO LEARN AND UNDERSTAND IT. FUCK. So it was very hard to let go of things after each exam LOL That was the biggest flaw because when I was studying for my next test, I'd recall the shit from the last test and I'd get distracted and like, what a waste of brain space u know LOL 

So I've got one prac exam left which is on Friday and I'm studying for it more than I had anticipated LOL May as well utilize this time and get the max mark that I can get right? No ragrets. 

I feel that ever since I started hanging out with more med sci kids, I'm studying more LOL which is obv. a good thing. We also like to compare answers so if I'm like scraping a D and they're well into a HD, I feel shit so I've upped my game. THIS IS SO GOOD LOL Funny thing is, when I talk to kik, they're always telling me I study a lot. And if you ask Med Sci, they think all I do it go out and party. Hahahaha.

How have y'all been?

Friday, June 13, 2014 // 5:01 PM

I cannot wait to recycle all the lecture slides and notes I've printed out to study for these exams. GET OUT OF MY LYFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Tuesday, June 10, 2014 // 3:01 AM

So the plan is...

Anat spot test 11 am 27th of July.

Chet Faker 8 pm 27th of July.

Work Dymocks

Volunteer at the blood bank again

Work Stu's every weekday that I'm not at Dymocks

Party it up at night.

Snoopy and Collin wanted to go back to Little Bay so I guess we'll be going there shortly before sunset and idk maybe build a fire or something. There is something so calming about being on that ledge. It's like I'm on the edge of the world.

House of Crabs. Sounds like a brothel, apparently. LOL

I wanna spend an entire day bike riding again. Good times.

There are also so many restaurants that I wanna try. Give those a go.

Hopefully, I'll have enough money to party every night :)

And I want to get a new laptop LOL

Oh yeah, mushroom picking with Med Sci. So, funny story right. We've been looking all semester for places to go mushroom picking at and everything that comes up is in the Mountains (2.5 hrs away). So last night I tried looking for one that's closer and there was this rainforest 1.5 hrs away from my abode and in the opposite direction of the Mountains. I googled the place so see where it was geographically and the first thing that comes up is "Backpacker Murders" and the row of images, which show the welcome sign are beautifully adorned with an additional "Please be careful" sign beneath it LOL I looked up what happened there and it was pretty scary. I mean, it's more than safe now I reckon ... But we'll stick to the Mountains LOL

I can't wait to end this term.

It hasn't been a bad term

I'm just ready to let go of all this stuff LOL (even though it'll still be relevant next sem hahaha)


 Chillin' in Newtown.

 @ Mary's
 French toast with the lesbian at Three Williams
 Authentic Paella post biochem! He looks demonic.
 Fashion weekend
 This is what we do for fun
 Sean: plssss
 Stay High

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 // 9:02 PM

There is a study room, typical of any university. Sitting inside are three students, JESSICA, MARIA and ANDREW.

A tableau of the three studying. 


Galina: Hey, have you eaten?
Jessica: Yeah, I had gozleme about an hour ago
Maria: Oh, yeah! I've still got some left, would you like some?
Jessica: The gozleme?
Maria: Yeah
Galina: Sure! [opens container of food]
Maria: I've also got some salad too if you want some
Galina: Alright, sure
Jessica: I don't think you should eat that... She's got dormant herpes
[Jessica and Galina giggle]
Maria: They're not that dormant!

[Jessica and Galina let out a burst of laughter]

Jessica and Galina: That's worse!

Andrew (whispers): Even I knew that. 

friends in low places
Sunday, June 1, 2014 // 3:21 PM

Over every fucking thing in my life.