just quickly before I head off to my abundance of parties for the new year, loljk, I want to sum up the high lights of the year I've had with Yall :)
First off I think my trip to the Great Barrier Reef wins the best experience of the year award, hands down, I can't believe I got to scuba dive and snorkel and see a reef shark and a family of Nemos in their home!!
Hiring a boat with KIK
Finding new holes
Finally understanding how university works LOL
Working at Stu's
Becoming a regular employee at Dymocks
Beach house
Feeling loved
Beef Wellington
Becoming friendlier with my Medsci cohort
Driving to Splendour in the Grass
Childish Gambino, Peking Duk, Angus and Julia Stone
Thursday's with Snoopy in semester 1
Beach hopping with half of kik
And being able to cross things off my bucket list !!!
I'm truly grateful for everyone in my life and everything that has happened. I wouldn't have had it any other way :)
Happiest of New Years, darlings
I literally have not touched my laptop for 3 whole days and when I did, 3 days ago, it was just to sync music to my phone, which didn't even work. LOL
I was supposed to go to a party last night, but I slept the entire night after telling myself I'd only nap. How lame am I? I joke, I have a super cool reason!! Basically, I've been working everyday and on Saturday night I had JL's party and we stayed up all night drinking/mafia-ing/playing cards against and I only had time to go home, shower and head off to work cos Julia Gillard was doing a book signing at our store yesterday!! As you can imagine, it was a busy, busy day LOL
Who am I kidding, I'm so lame :(
It would've been mega fun :(
Ah well, have some photos:
I love this place
Bobby's profanity
I love dis place
I'll be in the hole next time, you'll see!
da sky
R we at a beach?
My lymphangitis from GBR LOL
Chillin w/ my little m8
Dinner in Airlie
So good omg u don't even know
I love blue cheese and eggs and pumpkin
make up time LOL I miss TNQ
Beach next to dunes
spot the wallaby
trying to be artistic
Squirt ;)
Stopped the car so she could get a jump pic LOL
LOL bobs
fking huynh
The trek
Sah wind
I miss the beach :(